ProfileKryp Arnold
Best Way To Pass Tailwind Classes In Your React Project
This is a blog post about showing you the proper way of passing tailwind classes inside your react components.


Hello people, in this blog post i will show you the best/proper way to pass tailwind classes between your react components as props. Let's say you have a basic react project with tailwind as styling tool. Most people does it like this.

interface MyComponentProps {
    className?: string;
export default function MyComponent({ className }: MyComponentProps) {
    return (
        <div className={"your-initial-classes " + className}>
            Lets pretend this is a useful content.

This is a working way yet not practical and it will slow you down as your app grows.

Using clsx and tw-merge

For this solution first we need to install two packages.

npm install tw-merge clsx

After installing the packages, we need to define a function like this.

import clsx, { ClassValue } from "clsx";
import { twMerge } from "tw-merge";
function cn(...inputs: ClassValue[]) {
	return twMerge(clsx(inputs));

We made our function and now we can use this util function wherever we want like this.

import { cn } from "@/utils.ts";
interface MyComponentProps {
    className?: string;
export default function MyComponent({ className }: MyComponentProps) {
    return (
        <div className={cn("your-initial-classes", className)}>
            Lets pretend this is a useful content.

At first try it might seem like it doesn't do much work for you but having a consistent syntax for your classes is really important for both of your productivity and time.